DPA Microphones
Gooseneck microphone


When high speech intelligibility is required, DPA gooseneck solutions are ideal. From parliament buildings to conference centers, boardrooms and video conferencing rooms, DPA microphones are easy to install and deliver pristine, clear sound.

  • Excellent audio quality
  • Wireless podium microphone
  • Highly directional - highly isolated
  • High suppression of high frequency interference
  • Elegant Scandinavian design

Complete floor stand solution

The modular floor stand complete solution provides a high quality microphone for vocals or instruments on stage.

The floor stand has a sleek and exclusive design with a black, non-reflective finish designed specifically for the occasional rough-and-tumble life in television studios, OB vans, and on stage in theaters and concert halls. The floor base has an integrated shock mount. The threaded screw holds the tripod extension and active boom pole. This unique design allows for a long stage microphone arm that does not swing, but stabilizes quickly once set up.

These floor stand solutions can be quickly transformed into a new configuration without tools. You can pair them with many of our rod mic capsules and preamps.

DPA Schwanenhalsmikrofone haben sich schnell zu einer sehr beliebten Wahl für Podiumsmikrofone sowie für die Verwendung in Konferenzräumen als Tisch- oder Deckenmikrofon etabliert.

Diese Mikrofone wurden bei zahlreichen Gelegenheiten bevorzugt eingesetzt, wenn es auf hohe Sprachverständlichkeit ankam. Dies ist zum Beispiel bei Parlamentssitzungen der Fall, bei denen mehrere Sprachen simultan gedolmetscht werden und die Dolmetscher jedes Wort und jede Nuance des gesprochenen Wortes erfassen und in Sekundenbruchteilen die perfekte Übersetzung liefern müssen.

DPA 4098 Core

DPA gooseneck microphones have quickly established themselves as a very popular choice for podium microphones, as well as for use in conference rooms as table or ceiling microphones.

These microphones have been the preferred choice on numerous occasions when high speech intelligibility was required. This is the case, for example, in parliamentary sessions, where several languages are interpreted simultaneously and interpreters must capture every word and nuance of the spoken word and deliver the perfect translation in a fraction of a second.

In conference areas, boardrooms and video conferencing, DPA microphones ensure hassle-free installations and deliver pristine, clear sound.

DPA's gooseneck microphone solutions are designed primarily for installation applications.

4098 CORE Supercardioid Microphones

The 4098 microphone has been equipped with CORE by DPA technology, which further improves the sound quality, just like all other products with CORE technology. The dynamic range of the 4098 has been increased by 8 dB, raising the 1% distortion significantly to 133 dB.

DPA 4098

With very low noise and high sensitivity, the 4098 CORE supercardioid microphones offer the clearest, most transparent and natural sound available on the miniature microphone market. The microphones are capable of handling extremely high sound pressure levels before clipping occurs. This allows the microphone to deliver high speech intelligibility, even when the speaker is excited and speaking VERY loudly. With a linear frequency response, low distortion and an extremely wide dynamic range, these microphones sound great no matter how demanding the environment.

The 4098 supercardioid microphone is available in many different variants. Offered are either black or white models, with either an XLR or MicroDot connector, as well as five lengths ranging from 16 cm to 122 cm.

4098 CORE Supercardioid Microphones

The 4098 microphone has been equipped with CORE by DPA technology, which further improves the sound quality, just like all other products with CORE technology. The dynamic range of the 4098 has been increased by 8 dB, raising the 1% distortion significantly to 133 dB.

DPA 4098

With very low noise and high sensitivity, the 4098 CORE supercardioid microphones offer the clearest, most transparent and natural sound available on the miniature microphone market. The microphones are capable of handling extremely high sound pressure levels before clipping occurs. This allows the microphone to deliver high speech intelligibility, even when the speaker is excited and speaking VERY loudly. With a linear frequency response, low distortion and an extremely wide dynamic range, these microphones sound great no matter how demanding the environment.

4098 CORE Supercardioid Microphones

4098 CORE Supercardioid Microphone


With the MMC4011 cardioid microphone capsule, known for its directionality and attention to detail, everything sounds like the original. The first-order cardioid characteristic provides excellent separation between sound sources.

A linear frequency response and excellent phase response provide faithful reproduction of the sound. The off-axis frequency response is also homogeneous and interference is reproduced accurately and attenuated according to the first-order cardioid characteristic.

Thanks to its modular design, the 4011 Cardioid Microphone Boom can be combined with different lengths of podium booms - 15, 30 or 45 cm. If longer booms are needed for visually elegant floor stands, our long 75 or 120 cm booms together with our special accessories form a high-quality stage microphone.



Mit der Mikrofonkapsel MMC4011 mit Nierencharakteristik, die für ihre Richtwirkung und ihre Liebe zum Detail bekannt ist, klingt alles wie das Original. Die Nierencharakteristik erster Ordnung sorgt für eine hervorragende Trennung zwischen den Schallquellen.

Ein linearer Frequenzgang und ein exzellenter Phasengang sorgen für eine originalgetreue Wiedergabe des Klangs. Der Off-Axis-Frequenzgang ist ebenfalls homogen und Einstreuungen werden akkurat und gemäß Nierencharakteristik erster Ordnung gedämpft wiedergegeben.


Dank seiner modularen Bauweise kann das 4011 Cardioid Microphone Boom mit verschiedenen Längen von Podiumsauslegern kombiniert werden - 15, 30 oder 45 cm. Wenn längere Ausleger für optisch elegante Bodenstative benötigt werden, bilden unsere langen Ausleger mit 75 oder 120 cm zusammen mit unserem speziellen Zubehör ein hochwertiges Bühnenmikrofon.

The 4011 gooseneck microphones are
available in five lengths:

For floor stand applications

  • 77 cm (30 Zoll)
  • 122 cm (48 Zoll) 

Boom for podium solutions

  • 20 cm (8 in)
  • 32 cm (13 in)
  • 47 cm (18 in) 



4018 Gooseneck microphones

This solution uses the MMC4018 cardioid microphone capsule, which has a highly directional supercardioid characteristic with a homogeneous and balanced off-axis frequency response. The supercardioid shape is frequency independent and provides an identical timbre around the microphone. The rear cardioid common in most supercardioids is reduced to a minimum in this capsule. This makes it much more isolated, without sudden frequency-dependent peaks and dips.

Thanks to its modular design, the 4018 Supercardioid Microphone Boom can be combined with different lengths of podium booms - 15, 30 or 45 cm. If longer booms are needed for visually elegant floor stands, the long 75 or 120 cm booms together with the appropriate accessories form a high-quality stage microphone.


4018 Schwanenhalsmikrofone

Bei dieser Lösung wird die Mikrofonkapsel MMC4018 mit Nierencharakteristik verwendet, die eine stark gerichtete Supernierencharakteristik mit einem homogenen und ausgeglichenen Off-Axis-Frequenzgang aufweist. Die Supernierenform ist frequenzunabhängig und sorgt für eine identische Klangfarbe rund um das Mikrofon. Die bei den meisten Supernieren übliche rückwärtige Niere ist bei dieser Kapsel auf ein Minimum reduziert. Das macht sie viel isolierter, ohne plötzliche frequenzabhängige Spitzen und Einbrüche.

DPA 4018

Dank seines modularen Aufbaus kann das 4018 Supercardioid Microphone Boom mit verschiedenen Längen von Podiumsauslegern kombiniert werden - 15, 30 oder 45 cm. Wenn längere Ausleger für optisch elegante Bodenstative benötigt werden, bilden die langen Ausleger mit 75 oder 120 cm zusammen mit dem entsprechenden Zubehör ein hochwertiges Bühnenmikrofon.

The 4018 gooseneck microphones are
 Available in five lengths:

For floor stand applications

  • 77 cm (30 Zoll)
  • 122 cm (48 Zoll) 

Boom for podium solutions

  • 20 cm (8 in)
  • 32 cm (13 in)
  • 47 cm (18 in) 





MusicNetwork AG